Monday, January 23, 2012

Wrapping Up 2011 - November

There was one major happening in November in our household.

The hints had been floating for a while . . . it was time to potty train Aaron.

Of course, you know how I am with those kinds of hints . . .  Pretty much ignoring them until I feel the time is right for us.  I used this strategy for choosing when I would wean Aaron, and it worked beautifully.  Why would I stop trusting my gut now?

So, what did I do?  I bought the giant bulk box of diapers.  Then about a week later, I made the decision . . .

So, as I lay down on Friday night, November 4th, I thought, "I think we'll potty train tomorrow."

Thus began "Operation Underwear," and apparently my gut instinct was right.  With a LOT of help from his wonderful preschool teachers, the whole process was quite painless, and in no time, rather than seeing a trash can full of diapers, I was seeing this,

and my niece was receiving a largely unused box of size 4 diapers!

At this point, outside of an occasional accident, my sweet Aaron is now potty trained day and night!  I <3 him!

See another GREAT blackmail photo for when he's older!  He'll NEVER bring a girl home to Mama!  :-)

1 comment:

  1. Your little man is so cute. I came over from "People I Want to Punch in the Throat". Your quote at the top of your page is what caught me. Words we live by in our house! We have a special needs daughter and instead of sitting by and watching her go blind, we formed a foundation and decided to fight. :)

    Take care,
