not us! We aren't bad parents . . . really, we aren't, but this past Friday and Saturday definitely did not highlight our strong points!
Friday, I put Aaron into a pair of pants that were already inhabited by a giant bumble bee! Of course, I didn't know there was a bee in there. Who would think? This pair of pants had been sitting in my clean laundry basket for a week. How did a bee go unnoticed with a cat in the house??? And all of Aaron's reactions to a bee in his pants were so easily explained due to his normal reactions to getting dressed or having gas, etc. When I finally realized something was going on and stripped off his pants, I was stunned to see a bumble bee tumble onto the floor. He'd been stung twice on his leg, but he was happy as a lark once the bee was gone. I, on the other hand, took the opportunity to beat myself up (even though I realize now I really couldn't have known) and cry . . .
Saturday, Ron put Aaron into his car seat while I was putting some things in the trunk of the car. Ron never buckles Aaron (unless I'm not there), and didn't this time. When I stepped around from the trunk of the car to buckle him in, the car seat was empty. My heart dropped. I leaned over his seat, and there in the floorboard lay a little boy with a "How do I get out of this?" look on his face! Of course it's quite funny now, but we're going to have to be more vigilant in the future. If he'd climbed out the other side of his seat, he would have fallen out of the car (as the door was also left open), and the outcome would have been significantly less comical!
This thing looks so much more harmless here than it did in Aaron's pants!
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