Monday, January 23, 2012

Wrapping Up 2011 - November

There was one major happening in November in our household.

The hints had been floating for a while . . . it was time to potty train Aaron.

Of course, you know how I am with those kinds of hints . . .  Pretty much ignoring them until I feel the time is right for us.  I used this strategy for choosing when I would wean Aaron, and it worked beautifully.  Why would I stop trusting my gut now?

So, what did I do?  I bought the giant bulk box of diapers.  Then about a week later, I made the decision . . .

So, as I lay down on Friday night, November 4th, I thought, "I think we'll potty train tomorrow."

Thus began "Operation Underwear," and apparently my gut instinct was right.  With a LOT of help from his wonderful preschool teachers, the whole process was quite painless, and in no time, rather than seeing a trash can full of diapers, I was seeing this,

and my niece was receiving a largely unused box of size 4 diapers!

At this point, outside of an occasional accident, my sweet Aaron is now potty trained day and night!  I <3 him!

See another GREAT blackmail photo for when he's older!  He'll NEVER bring a girl home to Mama!  :-)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Wrapping up 2011 - October

So . . .  It's been two plus months . . .

I'm just thinking no one is surprised . . .  So let's get on with it, shall we?  Let's go ahead and wrap up 2011 month by month.

October 2011

In October, we went to a corn maze . . . twice.

First Aaron and I went alone.  We really enjoyed this little adventure!

Aaron enjoying a giant culvert turned slide.

Nothing quite like a tire swing - I mean a horse.  Howdy partner!

No way was he missing the chance for a pony ride.

Riding the cow train!

A corn field is the place to be.

If I was gonna get lost in a corn maze, at least I did it with my favorite man!

Two weeks later we returned!  This time Nana (my mom), Linzey and McKayla (my nieces) came along.  It was character day at the maze.

Tigger & Pooh, Linzey, McKayla, & Aaron

Daisy & Donald Duck, McKayla, Linzey, & Aaron

Mr. Corn, Linzey, Aaron, & McKayla

Mickey & Minnie Mouse, Aaron, McKayla, & Linzey

Linzey, McKayla, & Aaron riding the cow train.

McKayla on the bumpy "slide".

Aaron on the bumpy "slide".

Linzey sliding through the culvert.

Wait!  We cannot leave without a picture with Cinderella . . .
and a random man in the background!  LOL

Also in October?  Costume day at Aaron's preschool.  So we dressed up the little pumpkin . . .

Atten - tion!

Got our cookies . . .

And went . . .