April 29 - May 3, 2011
My father-in-law lives in upstate New York, and had never visited the deep South until little more than a month ago. His plane arrived after 10 pm on April 29th. I thought about keeping Aaron up to watch the planes come in at the airport, but ultimately decided that we'd go ahead and get ourselves to bed and let Ron meet his dad alone. The goal being, of course, to avoid a cranky toddler . . .
Our accommodations for the weekend were wonderful. We stayed at my dad's camp on the creek. Have you ever tried to get a toddler down for the night in a strange place? Let's say the process goes less than smoothly. When Ron and his dad arrived from the airport just after mid-night, guess who was still energetically awake to greet them . . . Aaron . . . Guess we should have taken him to the airport to watch the planes! :-)
Back to our accommodations . . . If you want a weekend away, this is definitely the place. It comes with great views . . .
Front Porch View
Front Porch View
Front Porch View
Front Porch View
Kitchen Window View - right through the screen
Our nearest neighbors were cows and a couple of alligators . . . which incidentally don't live in New York. This makes for a very relaxing quiet weekend (alligators are NOT crocodiles and are generally not aggressive unless threatened).
We spent some time relaxing in the creek . . .
Aaron on the sandbar
Playing in the creek
We invited McKayla (my niece) to play with us.
The three generations took a minute to pose for a picture.
Sunday morning we went to church. As we stopped at our place to grab a couple of things, Aaron and Pepaw hung out on the porch.
After church we drove out to Dauphin Island, AL where we visited a small park, then the estuarium.
On Monday Aaron and I returned to school and work. Monday evening, Aaron and Pepaw said their goodbyes before bed.
Ron and his dad left in the wee morning hours of Tuesday morning for the airport. The whole weekend was most enjoyable, and I hope Aaron was able to form memories, at even this young age, strong enough to last a lifetime!